Thursday, November 8, 2012

nike +, plus me!

A few months ago I realized I was in desperate need of new shoes. I walk a lot, runs lot, have indoor gym shoes, etc. But my main go-to gym shoes were dying and my knees and hips were crying for a new pair.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

the right motivation...

It's no secret that my family history is riddled with all kinds of bad things. To help combat these illnesses, I have spent the last few years trying to educate myself, better myself, make healthier choices, and make a better effort to exercise. I've noticed that my motivation keeps evolving. Sometimes, it's truly just for vanity. I want to look good! I want to feel good in my own skin! Who doesn't?

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Perception is an amazing thing. It really can change everything!

Have you ever thought about how you perceive yourself? Your goals? Your journey? My perception of myself, my goals, and my reality have changed so much since I really started this journey.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

soooo close....

I've been working my butt off! Quite literally too! ;) I think of where I was when I started and where I am now... And I can't believe it! It's been two months and I have noticed significant changes! I'm so proud to say that!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

a group effort...

Setting out to be healthier can be so difficult! There are bad habits to adjust, good habits to incorporate... And it's just so darn easy to fall back into those bad habits, give up and accept defeat. Well, I have found it has been easier to stick to my goals with the help of family and friends.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

attitude counts for so much...

The past two weeks have been nuts. Work has been stressful. There has been unlimited amounts of family drama. And to make matters worse, it's been affecting my progress. I was feeling slightly defeated, but not fully. I was still trying, but I was struggling. I was struggling to stay positive, I was struggling to give it my all, though I was trying.

Friday, July 6, 2012

excuses, excuses...

We are all busy. So busy that we forget to take time out for ourselves, maybe even time for our family and friends. Many of us find ourselves commuting for hours, working jobs we hate. One thing we must learn to find time for in our busy schedules is ourselves. Taking care of ourselves needs to become priority!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


We all have good days and bad days. But what happens when a bad day happens to fall on a gym day? Well, that's just the problem I ran into on Monday.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

little etiquette goes a long way...

Regardless of where you workout, a little etiquette goes a long way! For instance, if you're out for a bike ride, don't scare people by riding right behind them, willing them to move out of your way, or darting out from behind then, causing them to jump! Use your bike horn or warn people what side you're coming up behind them.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


It wasn't what I expected, working with a personal trainer. As I mentioned before, the only stories I had heard about personal trainers were total horror stories and scared me to my core! I was unsure about the costs of using a trainer. But after a few minutes my brain was smart enough to see that the long-term benefits were going to far outweigh the monetary costs! Besides, I had all this hard-earned cake money.... Why not spend it on something important? Me!

Monday, June 25, 2012

getting started...

While I have always considered myself to be and active person - running, dancing, playing soccer, engaging in all kinds of crazy workout videos, etc. - I got to a point where I hit a wretched plateau. It's as if the strength I knew I had in the inside just wasn't matching up with how I looked on the outside. Knowing that made me feel frustrated, down, and hard on myself for not doing "enough".

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

coming soon....

This blog will be fully up and running shortly!  Come back and visit soon!  Follow my journey to a better, healthier me!  I'll take you through recipes I have tried, new products I've checked out, things I've found inspiring along the way and workouts I've given my all. 

In the mean time, check me out on instagram (sweetsuerender), twitter (@sweetsuerender) and pintrest (sweetsuerender)! 

**Disclaimer: Please always consult your physician before starting a new diet or fitness regime.  The information posted on this blog is will refer to links I have come across, not necessarily written by fitness professionals, doctors, or the like, or may just be my opinion or the opinion of others. 

Have a fantastic day!