Tuesday, June 26, 2012


It wasn't what I expected, working with a personal trainer. As I mentioned before, the only stories I had heard about personal trainers were total horror stories and scared me to my core! I was unsure about the costs of using a trainer. But after a few minutes my brain was smart enough to see that the long-term benefits were going to far outweigh the monetary costs! Besides, I had all this hard-earned cake money.... Why not spend it on something important? Me!

I sat down with Shira, going over my goals and my concerns. She was so nice and not judgmental at all. She measured me, weighed me and we got down to what we needed to do to get to my goals. She assured me that in a few weeks, we would be there! She was sincere and I could tell she meant business. I trusted her and so far, she hasn't lied! It's been three weeks, and I'm about half way to my goal!

I knew this was the challenge I was looking for when she asked "Do you have any issues with us working outside of the gym?". Heck no! I could already tell this would be fun but in no way easy.

From pull-ups to push-ups, stair hops at the GO station, squats with the Smith machine on one leg!!! I have been feeling unstoppable! She had me doing things I never thought I could do! And here I was killing them!! Seeing what I can do just motivates me for the next day. How else can I challenge myself? How much further can I actually go? I've learned that my head tends to give up before my muscles do. My mantra has now changed from "you can do this!" to "you will do this!". There's no giving up! You've got this!!

You can't help but feel unstoppable when this strong and athletic woman turns around and tells you that you're strong! And means it! Ha! I knew I was!

If you're considering working with a trainer, I urge you to give it a try. Make sure it's someone you're comfortable with. Make sure they have good qualifications. Not only do they help teach you proper technique, but they can tailor a workout plan just for your needs! It helps you to avoid injury and get the most out of your workout. You can't beat that! They also get you to keep a food diary so you can stay on track and learn healthier habits and healthier choices. It's well worth the money, in my opinion!

I can't wait to see what's in store for me this evening! We have been working with kettlebells lately - a phenomenal total body workout! In addition, she has given me a program to do on the days I don't see her. I did that Saturday and Sunday and man am I sore! I love it!

I definitely feel that when our sessions are complete, I'll be exactly where I want to be! It's hard work! I don't give up! I push harder each time. And it's so worth it. My arms look incredible! And my legs, though they were always freakishly strong, feel like rocks even when relaxed. ;) and my tummy is definitely flatter, if I do say so myself. =)

Don't be afraid to see what you're capable of! You can do it! Just try... Consult a professional first to ensure the exercises you are doing are right for you. You are stronger than you know!

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