Friday, July 6, 2012

excuses, excuses...

We are all busy. So busy that we forget to take time out for ourselves, maybe even time for our family and friends. Many of us find ourselves commuting for hours, working jobs we hate. One thing we must learn to find time for in our busy schedules is ourselves. Taking care of ourselves needs to become priority!

We have 24 hours in a day. I know it's hard to fit things in, but the time won't make itself. We have to make the time. We can't properly care for our families and friends if we are not caring for ourselves! It's time to MAKE 30 to 60 mins a day for some well-deserved "me" time.

I spend a good chunk of my life helping everyone else, working, baking... When I have a few spare minutes I used to want to spend it just doing nothing. Since that's so rare for me and all! I'm sure some of you can relate to this feeling.

Recently I decided to try to devote my "me" time to exercise AND nothing-ness! The more I exercise, the more energy I have, the easier it is for me to get things accomplished in a day! Instead of approaching exercise as a chore, I find something I like doing! Or find ways to incorporate a bit of exercise into the daily routine. For instance, dancing while I bake or clean! Or doing planks, pushups, crunches while watching tv.

I make sure to schedule my exercise time. Those are now appointments that I cannot miss! They are just as important as grocery shopping, cooking, going to work. But my off days are now better spent so that I feel less like a bump on a log and more like a person.

I encourage you to try to find ways to be more active. Find activities you like, such as taking your kids to the park, a nightly stroll after dinner, dancing while you clean, something! Every bit counts and your body will repay you in wonderful ways for it. Let's try to stop the excuses and start counting the blessings and reasons we have to be more physically active and fit!

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